Thursday, December 5, 2013

HDD drilling mud system

Aiming at Trenchless Directional Drilling mud purification and recycling system exists using conventional shaker run the risk of mud , grit removal and desilter not complete, mud and other small particles can not clear the problem , brightway can provide the best quality solids control equipment and system .
Using horizontal directional drilling technology for pipeline crossing construction , urban construction and municipal pipe network transformation electrification , communications and cable laying across large and small rivers, lakes, and the demolition of the building can not be the best choice is not to disfigure the state and protection of the environment the best method of construction . In recent years, the level of directional drilling technology in various countries and various sectors of the world has been widely used in China in recent years, with the rapid development of pipeline construction , especially natural gas project construction , directional drilling large diameter pipes began to , long-distance, large wall thickness across the areas of expansion , the level crossing has been greatly improved . Because of the large caliber, long-distance directional drilling developed in recent years , through the introduction of foreign rig the general majority, its ancillary equipment has not attracted much attention , especially in the mud purification and recovery system. However , as people 's awareness of environmental protection , how to conduct safety and environmental protection become directional drilling directional drilling development.

An important issue.
In trenchless directional drilling , due to the hole diameter, such as natural gas and Jining pipeline project , the use of «1 016 mm pipe, in reaming stage , a very large amount of mud . Typically , trenchless directional drilling is the open system , in general through the mud in the amount of 3 000 m3 or more, some even up to 10 000 m3 [1]. Large amount of mud , the mud will not only increase costs and land acquisition costs , more serious problem is through the completion of the waste mud Without effective treatment,

Pollution of farmland and water , will cause ecological problems. As people 's awareness of environmental protection , development and use of mud tank purification and recovery is imperative. Purification and recovery of mud slurry can be returned to solid phase processing and recycling, while reducing the amount of slurry , to reduce environmental pollution and reduce the amount of processing of waste ; the other hand, the recovered slurry are " cooked mud " , the performance is relatively stable, unstable performance can reduce the emergence of underground accidents.

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