Sunday, August 4, 2013

Decanting Centrifuge for Solids Control & Waste Management

Decanting centrifuge is the most important solids purification units in drilling fluids solids control system, centrifuge is normally mounted at the last stage in the system, to remove non aggravated drilling mud, and can remove the evil solids that is larger than 2 μm, and remove the superfluous colloid in the drilling fluids. and control the fluids viscosity by collecting the barites in the drilling mud. Centrifuge can also collect the liquid phase by recovering the drilling mud that flow through the hydro-cyclone, and Centrifuge is also an ideal equipment to treat oil drilling fluids waste, preventing environmental pollution.
Centrifuge is consist of main & auxiliary electrical motor, belt, feed pipe, drum, spiral propeller, differential mechanism, etc. The main motor drives the drum and outer casing of differential mechanism through the belt, while the auxiliary motor drives the spiral propeller through the differential mechanism, which would rotate the drum & spiral propeller in the same direction, but with speed difference.
The drilling fluids would enter into the spiral propeller center through the feeding pipe. When the spiral propeller rotates, with the centrifugal effect, the solids in the drilling fluids would be thrown to the inner wall of drum, and pushed to the smaller end of the drum and be out through the discharge port, while the liquid phase would flow through the spiral propeller to the larger end, to finish the solid-liquid separation processing.
As an professional manufacturer,BW solid control for drilling fluid systems: Shale Shaker, Vacuum Degasser, Mud Cleaner, Desander Cleaner, Desilter Cleaner, Decanting Centrifuge, Sand Pump, Submersible Slurry Pump, Mud Agitator, Self-Suction Sand Pump, Jet Mud Mixer, Mud Gas Separator, Mud Gun, Series Screw Pump, Shear Pump, Flare Ignition Device, Oil Tank, Water Tank, Mud Tank etc..

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