Thursday, August 15, 2013

Shale shaker

Shale shaker is the primary & initial device to be used to remove the solids in the drilling fluid, which would be used as the first stage solids control equipment in the purification system, and work as other devices, such as desander,desilter, mud cleaner, centrifuge that all are located downstream of the solids control system. Basicly the complete circulation system also includes gumbo remover, scapler shaker, and dryer shaker. All of these equipment work together with other auxiliary devices, such as mud gun,mud agitator, centrifugal pump, mud hopper, gas bruster, degasser, etc, to remove the drilled-solid that bring to the well surface by the drilling fluid.

Shale shakers drive by the vibratory motor. Motor imparts vabration force onto the screen basket ( or called screen deck), making the screen moving, so that the drilling fluid liquid phase go through the openning of screen, and drilled solids that bigger than the mesh would be moved to the discharge end of shale shaker. As the development of shale shaker, there exists three different motions of shale shaker:

Linear Motion Shale Shaker -BW
1. Circular motion shale shaker;
2. Linear motion shale shaker;
3. Balanced ellipse shale shaker;
4. Unbalanced ellipse shale shaker.

Linear motion shale shakers are widely used in oil & gas drilling after it was introduced into the petroleum drilling. As we discussed previously that linear motion shale shaker is drived by two counter rotating motor which are installed on the top of screen deck, and keep 45 degree angle with screen basket. But why it is 45 degree angle? why not 30 degree or 60 degree?

As we known that shale shaker processing capacity is effected by the combination of two factors: solid phase limit, and liquid phase limit. If these two vibratory motors is horizontally mounted on the screen deck, the vibration force at top & bottom point of horizontal level would be biggest, so the solids only jump up & down, can not move to the discharge end of shale shaker. While if the two motors is installed with 90 degree, it would be helpful for drilling fluid to flow on the screen, and solids will can not be removed. So to balance solids limit & drilling fluid liquid limit, the two motors are normally kept 45 degree with screen deck, so that the drilled solids would be tilted uphill towards to the discharge end of shale shaker.

Welcome everybody vist our factory.

Allen Lee
Name:Xian Brightway Energy Equipment Co., Ltd
Address:No.118 Fuyu Road, Yuhua Industrial Zone, Yanta District, Xi’an City, China

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