Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Solids Control Structure and working principle

Solid control system consists of a set of storage tanks and drilling fluid solids control drilling fluid used to remove harmful solid phase composed of a group of devices, storage tanks and solid control of drilling fluid circulation tank with reserve tank is divided into two parts. Ground drilling fluid circulating tank as part of a cycle, the tank surface mounted shaker, vacuum degasser, desander desilter, centrifuges and other equipment for the purification of fluids. Reserve tank is based on the need for preparation of drilling conditions different properties of the drilling fluid, or storage may be used for different drilling conditions of the drilling fluid.

Drilling fluid purification process in the system

1, First purification

Ie mud treatment at the shaker. Preparation of a good drilling fluid under the action of the pump into the bottom of the well, and carry drilling cuttings back to the surface through the wellhead elevated tube into the mud  shaker, the drilling fluid screening out large debris.

2, Second purification

When drilling a gas dip when, through the role of the vacuum degasser will purge gas drilling fluid, thereby restoring the fluid density, fluid viscosity stable.

3, third purification

Two purified fluid supply pump enters through desander Desander, drilling fluid 40 - 60μm or more tiny harmful solid phase is separated desander li.

4, Fourth purification

Three purified by drilling into the supply pump desilter , drilling fluid 15 - 40μm above the tiny harmful solid phase desilter li be isolated.

5, Fifth purification

Four purified by centrifuge feed pump drilling fluid into the centrifuge, the centrifuge will be drilling in 5 - 15μm tiny particles separated.

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